August 23, 2009

Fifteen movies you've seen that will always stick with you

Happy tagging =))
  1. Buffalo '66
  2. Before Sunrise / Before Sunset
  3. Into the Wild
  4. 400 Blows
  5. Adaptation
  6. 千與千尋
  7. Lions for Lambs
  8. Requiem for a Dream
  9. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
  10. Edward Scissorhands
  11. Saw I
  12. Cube
  13. Momento
  14. Capote
  15. 21 Grams


  1. 我也十分喜歡Into The Wild, 千與千尋及Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind呢。

    BTW, Eternal Sunshine的編劇Charlie Hoffman的新作Synecdoche NY你看了未? 非常philosophical的一部戲......

  2. Hi loong5,
    Haven't watch the movie yet, but I read your comments on your blog! sounds like a good one. I like Kuafman brother's every movie, esp. Being John Machovich & Adaptation!
